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NGSS Curriculum Tools

Resources for high quality curriculum enactment and support


K-12 science instructional materials and classrooms have traditionally looked very different from the vision called for in the Framework and NGSS (NRC, 2015). High quality instructional materials, ongoing professional learning, and implementation support can support shifts towards more equitable science instruction for all students.

Through sharing our implementation resources, we aim to:

  • Empower students, particularly minoritized students, to develop a science identity, increase confidence, and develop deeper science understanding

  • Support teachers and leaders to disrupt inequities in science instruction in terms of who and what are valued.


Our resources are grouped into four focal areas to support equitable classroom enactment of high quality instructional materials.​

Origin Story


The OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction Initiative (OEI) at Boston College

Over three years, OEI supported over 130 schools with their implementation of the OpenSciEd curricular materials through ongoing professional learning and implementation support for teachers and leaders. The resources on this page and their recommended uses were developed as part of OEI's work supporting these schools' leaders and teachers. Read more about our team and work here.

How can we make professional learning work better for teachers? Adopting high quality instructional materials is challenging. High quality professional learning is an essential support for teachers. To see how, watch this video from the Carnegie Corporation - featuring OEI professional learning and teachers!

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​This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 International license, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution and reproduction provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed or built upon in any way. 
OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction (OEI) Initiative, Boston College | May 2024. 

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